Your Witchy Guide to Spring Cleaning


Spring is upon us! Maybe it’s felt like Spring for months where you live (lucky you!) Whether you’re experiencing summer weather, or are having yet another snowfall, Spring is here, and we can all agree that this time of year is the perfect time to get down and dirty, and clean, cleanse and renew your home!

Spring represents a time of fertility, renewal, new beginnings, growth and rebirth! As we enter Spring we also enter the first sign of the zodiac- Aries- and so Spring marks the beginning of a new cycle. We want to approach this season with clarity of thought, action and excitement as we move forward towards our goals and intentions. It’s hard to feel inspired when we have a dirty and cluttered home. If you’re reading this before Spring is officially here, I would recommend getting on this deep clean now. Yes, it will take a lot of work, but I promise you won’t regret it.

Whether you’re prepping for Spring, need a deep cleanse of the home, or are looking for inspired ways to clean magically, this is the guide for you. Warning: depending on the size of your home, tackling it all in one day might seem daunting. Break it up, room by room, or floor by floor. It does not have to be done all at once.

magical cleaning

Whenever I do a deep clean of a room, or the house, I have this renewed sense of inspiration flood over me; like anything is possible, anything can be created in this space, and a feeling of being grounded immediately enters my body! In fact, turning my house into a sanctuary is a my personal goal for 2020, so you better believe I’m following through on these tips I’m sharing with you!

Incorporating any kind of folk or magical practice into my mundane life is a must. (For example, brushing my teeth by candlelight, keeping a broom at my front door for protection and energetic clearing, and placing crystals into my houseplants are all little magical tips that make life feel a little more enchanted). So for this spring clean, we’re going to work with the 4 elements: Earth, Air, Water and Fire to invoke a little more magic in a task that can be less than appealing.

The 4 Elements and Their Correspondences

The four elements are a major component in magical workings. The four elements together embody the natural world, and are integral in our existence and life thriving on this planet. In many Pagan-based or Earth-based ceremonies, you will likely start the circle by welcoming in the elements. Each element represents a cardinal point on the compass. Usually, starting with the East, and the element of air; then the South and the element of Fire; then the West and the element of Water; and finally the North and the element of Earth. (These can be different based on lineage, tradition and where you are geographically located, but this is the basis of my learning through a Celtic-Pagan approach).



To start your cleaning, you’ll begin by inviting the element of air, and the direction East. The element of air is associated with communication, Spirit, knowledge, wisdom and speech. In our cleaning ritual, you’ll use the element of air to cleanse and clear.

There are many things you can do symbolically to invite air; smudge, light incense, open the doors and windows, turn on a fan, chime some bells, wave around a feather etc. Pick one or a few that work for you.

Start in the East corner of your home (or room), and walk clockwise, either with burning herbs, an incense, a feather, etc, this will start to get the energy clearing and is a great way to start your cleaning ritual with a touch of magic! As you return back to your East corner, you can even state your intention: “My intention is to clean my home of all negative, stale and stagnant energy, and to bring in abundant, clean and fresh energy!” (Make it your own…)


Now would be the optimal time to get out your feather duster or dusting cloths, and get busy. Bookshelves, window sills, desks, shelves, tables. It will feel so good!


Do a big sweep- inside and out. If you’re anything like me with a dog, and old wood floors that trap all the dirt, dust and dog hairs, you can definitely opt to vacuum instead. HOWEVER, I would really recommend getting out a broom and at least sweeping by your front door, your front steps or walk if you have them, your patio or balcony. The action of sweeping is old and symbolic; it represents a sweeping out of the old energy. There is also a protective element that is associated with brooms, and that’s why you may have heard (or seen) many people keeping brooms by entrances; keep out the bad, and clear out the negative.

No cutting corners here! Move furniture, get behind desks, under couches, behind shoe racks… no dirt left behind! Since you have your broom out, look for any cobwebs way up high in corners of rooms or windows.



Next we have the element of fire, and the direction of the South. Fire is associated with transformation, endings, passion, will and creativity You’ll be working with the element of fire to transform and purify your space.


I would really recommend using beeswax candles for this, because not only do they represent the transformational element of fire, they also cleanse and purify the air! Beeswax candles are amazing (and you can order a set of plain beeswax tapers here!) All the dust you may have disturbed into the air will be cleansed by these incredible gifts from the bees. If you can’t get your hands on beeswax candles, any candle will do- you just won’t get that added purification of the air.

Burn the Old

Think if you might have any old intentions written on pieces of paper around your home… tucked into journals… sitting under crystals… tucked into a potted plant… This would be a great time to burn these. Grab a fireproof bowl or cauldron and get busy. If you’re lucky enough to have some outdoor space and have a small bonfire, that would be amazing! The act of burning really helps to cut energetic ties- so if you have anything you want to let go of, toss that in the fire too! (I mean, assuming it’s something you can safely burn- obviously use your discretion here).



Next we have water and direction of the West. Water is associated with the Goddess, healing, fertility, rebirth, emotions and cleansing. You’ll be using the water to cleanse, clear and purify your home!


First clean all your windows (vinegar is great for this). Then using a wet cloth, wipe down all the window sills, door frames, door knobs, banisters- any place that is high traffic, or hasn’t been cleaned in a while (or ever).

Then tackle the kitchen and bathroom, wiping down all the facets, sinks, tub, toilet etc… you know what to do.


Final step here in the deep cleaning with water is mopping. Any bare floor you have (tile, hardwood etc) needs a good mop. I always add essential oils to my mop water based on whatever kind of energy I want to invoke. For example, if I want to invite in joy, I’ll use orange, lemon or grapefruit. If I want to invite clarity of thought, I’ll use rosemary or lemongrass. If I want a deep disinfecting clean, I’ll use tea tree.

You might need to change your bucket water halfway through (or if you have a giant, messy dog maybe a few times).



Finally we arrive at Earth, and the direction of the North. Earth represents all things stabilizing, supportive, grounding- there’s an endurance and strength that comes from the Earth, as well as fertility and abundance.


If you have houseplants, now would be the time to send some love to these babies. Wipe down their leaves, trim away any dead leaves or flowers, and re-pot any that need a little more space. If you don’t have any potted plants, I would highly recommend getting at least one. They bring in life, joy, grounding and growth. If you travel a lot, pick up a low maintenance plant (succulents, spider plants, snake plants, etc).

Cleanse your Crystals

Chances are since you’re reading this, you probably have at least one crystal. And there’s a good chance you have a whole collection. It’s important we take care of these magical gifts from the Earth. A great way to cleanse your crystals is by clearing and grounding them in a bowl of sea salt. Fill the bottom of a bowl or casserole dish with sea salt and place all your crystals in it. (They don’t have to be completely submerged). Before I was fortunate enough to have outdoor space, I used to ground and clear my crystals in my potted plants. You can do this too. Or if you have outdoor space, place them in the earth overnight.


This guide isn’t so much about going deep on the clutter; however, if you have it in you, this would be the time to do so. Anything that you would consider “dead energy” in your home has to go. If you don’t love it or need it, usher it out.


When you’re all done your deep clean (congratulations! That’s a huge feat!), finish the same way you started. Grab your tool that represents Air, and head back to the East corner of your home. Walk in a COUNTER-clockwise direction. When you return back to the East corner, give thanks for all the energies that helped you cleanse, clear, transform and uplift your home!

Now the trick is to maintain. Try not to let everything fall back to the way it was. Create daily habits to help support a clean home, free of stagnant energy. I have created a new affirmation for myself, “I create order and beauty wherever I go”. This is helping me build new habits to keep things tidy, and re-write the old narrative that I’m a “messy person”. It’s working! Try it yourself and watch new habits unfold before you, and turn your home into your own personal sanctuary!

If you’re working away around the full moon, I have a Full Moon Tidying Ritual that might inspire you as well!