Why I Love Pisces Season

I get excited every year as Pisces season rolls in because it opens up a beautiful portal for imaginative play, creativity and divine inspiration! I always start to play around with the dream-like energy, and I conjure up all kinds of dreams, thoughts, creative ideas and inspiration, and then over the course of the next few months, I put those goals into action and work at bringing them into manifestation in the physical world. It’s a magical, magical place we live in when you open to receive it! In this guide, learn how to work with the energy of Pisces so that you can propel your intentions into upcoming Aries energy and work towards manifesting them into physical form this Spring.


working with Pisces energy

Ruled by water, Pisces lives in the land of intuition, emotions, dreams and spirituality. Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune which governs all things dealing in spirituality, psychic receptivity, dreams and compassion; however, on the darker side, Neptune is also associated with confusion, illusion, deception and addiction. For this reason, some people find Pisces season heavenly, while others can find it to be disorienting.

I find that rather than resisting the energy that is coming up, to lean into it, see what it brings up for you, and what you can learn from it. You may even find working with an energy that doesn’t typically feel at home for you can actually bring about really interesting results. So rather than fighting the dreamy, illusive energy of Pisces, see if you can embrace it and melt into its charm.

Pisces energy has the ability to deepen our intuition and receptivity. Think of the channel between yourself and the Cosmos opening so you can receive inspiration and insight from a divine place. Pisces energy is highly creative, and this creativity usually comes from a place of divine inspiration. We are able to be really open and channel insights from the heavens to pull into our consciousness.

from water to fire to earth

The challenge that comes up at Pisces season is that we spend all our time daydreaming and we don’t actually do anything with our dreams or creative desires. Pisces isn’t exactly known as an action taker. But the good news is this: in a few weeks time we will have the Spring Equinox and enter the sign of Aries. Aries is the first sign in the zodiac and with it comes an energy of initiation, action, transformation, change and taking charge. Ruled by fire (and the planet Mars), there is so much energy that wants to get done! There is huge potential during Aries season to take the dreams and visions of Pisces and put those dream into action! We can move, we can claim our power, we can feel confident to take charge and do the action that is required to bring about results.

AND it gets even better… following Aries, we have Taurus season. The earth sign that helps to bring our actionable goals into physical manifestation. So all the energy that was gathered during Pisces season, and then put into action during Aries season, starts to materialize in physical form during Taurus season! It is the most beautiful lineup of energy, and that’s part of the reason that I think so many people feel such potential at Spring- a new beginning and hope for the future.


dive into the imaginative waters

So circling back to where we are now, I’m going to encourage you to take a deep dive into the Pisces waters and tap into your dreams. Let your intuition guide you, and be open to receive. Be open to let your mind and heart dream and really be honest with yourself. What do you really want to create in this life? Where is your heart calling you? If you’re lost and don’t feel the answers coming, ask yourself what you loved as a child. When you were a kid, what did you want to be? What hobbies did you love to do? What subjects made you excited? Is there something deep in your heart that is wanting to be pulled from the depths and brought to light?

An Exercise in dreaming and belief

This exercise will help you get clear on your dreams and work toward building these dreams into reality. (If you’re working away close to the Pisces new moon, this post will take you on a new moon ritual that may help you bring focus to your dreams.)


As an exercise, grab a journal and pen and just start writing down your dreams- even if they seems silly or totally unattainable at this moment; don’t judge, just go. What do you want? What do you want to create? What do you want to build? How do you want to feel? What do you imagine for your life?

Review and Believe

Review what you’ve written. Let it all sit with you for a day or two. Then go back and read it again. There might be a couple things that start to really resonate with you- that if you don’t start moving toward them, it will break your heart. Can you start to have the belief in yourself that you have the potential to make these things so? Remember- you are a born creator. If you don’t think you’re a creative person it’s just because you’re not expressing your creativity. Write down one or two things from your list that you have belief in and that really call to you. Post them to your mirror, your desk, your nightstand, and review them daily. Let that belief start to sink in.


The final part of this exercise is to visualize. Start visualizing as if these goals have already come to be. Imagine yourself standing in that new house. Or imagine the family you want to build. Or imagine the dream job you’ve always wanted. What does it look like? What colour are the walls? What are the colour of his or her eyes? Do you have a window in your office? What does the interior of the car smell like? What does the new piece of furniture feel like? These are of course examples, but you want to get that detailed. See, feel, taste, touch and live it in your mind! Every day! Multiple times a day!

And as Aries season rolls around- don’t forget to take action so these dreams may start to come into form as the Sun moves into Taurus.

Gestation Period

Something to remember is dreams do not manifest overnight (usually). They take persistence, consistency, dedication and devotion. In the same way we plant a seed, we don’t expect a flower to appear the next day. We know there is a germination period, and a period of growth underground that we do not see. We understand that is takes time for blooms to appear. We understand that from time of conception it takes approximately 9 months before the baby is born. So remember that your dreams, intentions and goals will also have a gestation period. I heard someone say recently, “We often give up on our dreams long before our dreams give up on us”. If you’re dedicated and determined, keep that dream alive. Visualize your dream or goal coming to fruition every day. And take those actionable steps to move closer and closer to your goals.

You can do this! You are born to create in this world and to create the life you want for yourself. Don’t settle because someone told you you’d never amount to anything, or that your dreams are too big. Don’t let an old narrative stop you from moving toward your goals. You are amazing! You are full of untapped potential! Now call in the Pisces energy to get you dreaming your biggest dreams- and don’t stop there!

Want more posts on working with Pisces energy? Have a look at this New Moon in Pisces guide!