Full Moon in Virgo Ritual

Full Moon in Virgo


This earthy full moon is all about structure, order and getting grounded. Virgo loves to be organized and have structure (like all earth signs). Every time a full moon in Virgo roles around I find myself in an organizing and cleaning frenzy. In a strange way, I need to create order and a sense of tidiness in my physical world so that I can begin to surrender and let go of control within.

In general, full moons are an excellent time for cleansing, releasing and letting go of what no longer serves us. Because this full moon is offering the organizational energy of Virgo, we're going to use this opportunity to cleanse and organize our physical space, which in turn will refresh and declutter our inner being. This opens up space for us to create, to love and to bring in more lightness of being! Although it feels mundane, tidying can be a magical tool as you'll see below in our Full Moon in Virgo Cleaning Ritual!


Full Moon Tidying Ritual

Pick a Space

You're going to pick ONE space in your house (I don't know about you, but organizing my entire house would take months, so don't bite off more than you can chew- you want to finish this within an hour). Pick one space you use as part of a daily ritual. This could be your work desk, an area of your kitchen, the place you do your spiritual practice, your bedroom, etc, and this is where you are going to focus your attention on cleaning and tidying. Your ritual will be performed in this space.

Cleanse the Space

Start by smudging the area with sage, herbs, incense or diffusing essential oils. This will instigate the cleansing and start to drop you in to a place where you can connect within.


Start by taking deep, full, grounding breaths. Feel the breath enter and exit your body as you feel your energy dropping and connecting to the Earth. With every inhale repeat: "My mind is clear", and with every exhale: "I surrender". My mind is clear. I surrender. My mind is clear. I surrender.

What’s Coming Up

As you continue to connect in and breathe deeply, notice what is coming up for you during this full moon. What is lingering within you that is NO LONGER SERVING YOU, or holding you back from standing in your fullest potential? Perfectionism, procrastination and criticism (toward self or others) can often come up with the moon in Virgo. Can you surrender a little more deeply... to the moment... to yourself... to your partner... to the wave of life... to letting go?


Write down what you would like to surrender to at this full moon. (I find writing it down forces you to get really clear about what your intention actually is).

Tidy, Clean and Organize

Now start tidying, cleaning and organizing your space. With everything you organize and tidy, feel that gentle clearing within your mind. My mind is clear. As you put things in piles to donate/recycle/throw out, feel yourself deepening into your intention. I surrender.

Honor Yourself

Once you've finished, honor yourself and the time you've dedicated to cleaning, clearing + surrendering. Maybe light a candle and spend some time in meditation. Enjoy your cleaned space and that clarity you've created within. Don't be alarmed if emotional stuff starts to come up for you during or after tidying. I often find that cleaning "stirs up" our own emotional landscape, and that stale energy or old wounds wishing to be "cleared out" will make itself known. So keep surrendering, keep letting go, and keep trusting you're doing an amazing job.

Add Some Magic

To add extra good juju, bring something magical into your newly cleaned space; give a crystal a new home; bring in some fresh flowers or a plant; sometimes I'll even light a candle in my kitchen while I make my morning tea and it always brings a little extra magic to my day.


Before you close, smudge again to "bookend" your ritual.

Taking a bath on the night of the full moon is another great way to work with its energy, and deepen into your release. Have a look a this post for a Full Moon Bath Ritual if you feel inspired.


Let me know how it goes for you, or what energies come up for you on the full moon. Sending you massive waves of love and blessings,
