A New Awakening

I woke up one morning this week, and something shifted in me. Something has lifted, and I’m feeling more inspired than I have in weeks. I opened up my journal to write down my thoughts, and this poured out of me…


Here we are in a time when we are all asked to slow down. A time where we are asked to retreat inward. There is something here that I believe is very powerful. Something has the potential to happen within all of us.

We see nature around us in bloom, yet we turn on the news and feel helpless and small. We see leaves starting to appear, yet we scroll through our newsfeed and feel stunted. When I look into my garden I see flowers starting to pop- and I tell myself, even though I can’t quite feel it, this too is happening within me, right? A voice tells me that, yes, I have the potential to bloom, grow and expand amidst confinement. “Your spirit is never confined” the voice reassures me. “Use this time as a gift for your own spiritual development and evolution.” I suddenly feel taller and lighter.

I’m feeling a transformation from grief to hope; from uncertainty to a trust that there is a reason we are all going through this. This is not simply something that is happening to us that we must endure. This as an opportunity to grow, to expand, to lift our hearts, broaden our minds and tap into a consciousness shift that I believe is happening across the world. There is a reason on a soul level that we’re all going through this together; there is an opportunity for us to create change on a global scale.

Let’s start to shift our hearts from a place of uncertainty to elevated love. Instead of feeling scarce, let’s plug into abundance. Instead of feeling alone, let’s get closer to God. Instead of feeling down, let’s tune into Divine Universal energy and uplift!

The voice again says to me, “You are not alone in this feeling. There are so many like you who are striving for a more awakened, more elevated world.” And I remember that when I activate that awakening within me- when I spark my heart into action, I am serving on a collective level. And I know you’re doing this too!

Have you noticed how friendly everyone is? When you walk outside, people are smiling at each other! People are saying hello to each other and asking, “How are you doing”? Have you noticed this? It is happening!

Emulate what you’re seeing in nature right now. Be that joyful daffodil who’s shining radiantly! Be that beautiful tulip who is blowing kisses at you. Let the fragrance of blossoms fill you and inspire you to start uplifting those around you. Inspire them to do the same.

We can come out of this stronger, more expansive, more loving and more uplifted.

We are in the middle of something big that is uniting us on a conscious level. We are going to look back on this time, and we are going to talk about it; tell stories about it; remember it; have reverence around it. We have a choice of how we want to use this time.

Turn off the radio. Turn off the news. Turn off Netflix. Now is the time to consume that which is going to serve you. Stop filling your brain with junk. Read a book. Meditate every morning- and don’t let yourself off the hook. Mediate every night. Plant seeds. Pick flowers. Make spring herb teas. Dry brush your body. Drink water. Say “I love you” to yourself. Say “I love you” to your family. Say “I love you” to the collective. Pray. Speak to Spirit. Tune into your heart.

And listen.


What is being asked of you right now?

Where are you being called to put your energy?

Now is the time to go deep, get clear and direct your focus on to something positive. Elevate. Laugh. Be loving. Be kind. Serve others.